Father Son Chorus Information
Come and Join the Chorus!
Dear CHS Choir Men, Family Members, and Supporters in the Burleson Community,
The Centennial High School Choral Department is assembling a “Father-Son Chorus” to perform on our upcoming Winter Concert on Thursday, December 14th. Through this effort, we hope to foster an deeper appreciation for music making among our stakeholders and support the creation of meaningful bonds between our students, our campus, and the surrounding community. In support of this event, all male choir students at Centennial High School are being encouraged to invite their fathers, grandfathers, and/or other important male role models in their life to join us in a performance “Do You Hear What I Hear?” If you are reading this letter, congratulations, you are someone this young man trusts and wishes to share this experience with. To assist the students (and you) in their preparation for this event, each student has be provided with a copy of the music to share with you. Practice tracks will also be made available for preview and/or download at www.centennialhschoir.com (Select Father/Song Chorus from the menu bar). Each student will be responsible for sharing rehearsal materials with their adult partner and helping them learn their part of this performance. Anxious about participating in this experience? Fear not! Participation is open to any male who has played an important role in their life. No formal singing experience is required. Everyone is welcome regardless of their perceived singing ability. Our one and only rehearsal for this event will be held in the Centennial High School Choir Room on Sunday, December 10th, from 2-3:30pm. During this time, we will rehearse the piece, determine standing order, and talk about concert logistics. For the concert, we ask that all adult participants (fathers, uncles, ministers, etc.) wear black pants and a white shirt. If participants own these, black suits or tuxedos would also be appropriate for this event. For those participants not able to join us on Sunday, an additional rehearsal of this piece will take place on Tuesday, December 12th between 5:15-5:45PM; you are welcome to join us at this time as well. Attached to this letter is a form that each adult participant needs to complete. Please return the completed form with your student to their choir director at their school. We need these forms ASAP so that we can best plan for this event and ensure that we can accommodate each singer on our stage and assess the number of singers on each voice part. We are very excited and look forward to the concert with great anticipation. We hope that you will find this experience to be enriching, uplifting and a tremendous opportunity to promote male singing in our community. See you on December 10th at 2:00pm!! Sincerely, Eric Cooley, director |
Invitational Letter & Form
Do You Hear What I Hear? Sheet Music Practice Tracks (With Vocals) Tenor I Tenor II Baritone Bass II Accompaniment Track (No Vocals) |