ABOUT USFounded in 2010, the CHS Choral Department is a growing and vibrant part of the Centennial High School community. With over 100 students enrolled in 6 performance ensembles, members of the Centennial HS Choral Department maintain an active performance and competition schedule. Choirs in this organization perform throughout the year for school and community events and are consistent "Sweepstakes" recipients at UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest. Individually, students of the Centennial HS Choral Department consistently place in the TMEA Region 30 All-Region, District, and 9/10 Honor Choirs. Additionally, students in this organization have been named to the Texas All-State Choir and consistent recipients of "Superior" performance ratings and "Outstanding Performer" distinctions at Solo & Ensemble Competition. The CHS Choral Department takes pride knowing that its members are not only active musicians but that they are also vital members of their school academic and athletic teams, including, but not limited to: Swimming, Cross Country, Drill Team, Football, Baseball, Track, Volleyball and Wrestling to name just a few. Students in Choir also enjoy meaningful participation in other performing arts endeavors as well including Theater Arts, Dance, Band, and Color-guard. CHS Choir also hold offices in other campus groups to such as the Student Council, Class Leadership Teams, and the National Honor Society. In addition to participating in such wide variety of activities, members of the CHS Choral Department maintain impeccable academic records, with many of its students ranking in the top 10% of their respective classes each year. This program stands on the pillars of T.R.A.C.K. - trust, respect, & compassionate kindness. Program MembershipMembership in the Centennial Choral Program is open to every student enrolled at Centennial HS regardless of previous musical experience. All students are assessed and placed in an ensemble that corresponds with demonstrated skills and relevant musical experience. As a member of this program, students are expected to behave in accordance with both the BISD and CHS Choir Code of Conduct and put the reputation of this organization above their own.
In order to maintain the integrity of the department and provide a positive learning environment for all students, consistent in-class discipline problems, multiple placements in DMC, discipline referrals for fighting and/or other aggressive acts will result in a loss of privileges within the organization, including but not limited to: removal from an ensemble, loss of traveling privileges, suspension from performances, and/or removal from the choral program entirely. Ensemble PlacementEvery day is an audition for future choir placement - make every day count!
The Centennial HS Choral Department offers a variety of performing organizations to meet the educational needs of all students interested in singing. We have many courses and ensembles, each catering to varied individual musical needs in effort to provide the most complete and effective music education to each student. All choirs offer performance opportunities and focus on expanding the student’s knowledge of basic music theory, sight-reading skills, vocal technique, and music history. In addition to the development of individual musical skills, each choir is designed to teach self-discipline, commitment and teamwork. All students in choir are required to participate in concerts and may elect to participate in any extra-curricular competitions such as All-State Choir Auditions, 9/10 Honor Choir Auditions, and Region/State Solo & Ensemble Contest. Special Auditions will be held throughout the school year for opportunities such as Chamber Singers, Show Choir, the school musical, solos for concerts, etc. All auditions are judged objectively using an audition rubric that is ultimately scored and ranked by the professional staff within the department. In some cases additional judges from outside of the department are brought in to assist. Every effort is made to ensure that auditions are fair and support student growth; however, with over 100 students in choir, auditions will always be competitive. The CHS choral staff spends many hours and their best professional judgement to ensure the best possible outcome for both student and choir. Audition results, once posted, are final. Should students have questions concerning audition procedures or results are welcome to make an appointment to go over results and judges comments with the director. |
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