Chamber SingersThe Chamber Singers is a mixed choral ensemble of up to 24 students in grades 10-12 auditioned at the conclusion of each school year. This ensemble serves as the choral department’s primary liaison to the school, district and surrounding community. Students are expected to be excellent musicians as well as examples of the values we continually strive to achieve in our Department. The Chamber Singers travel to many choral events and comeptitions each year. Regular attendance at rehearsal, consistent academic eligibility, and exceptional musicianship are all mandatory as a member of this ensemble.
Rehearsals and performances outside of class are often additionally REQUIRED. Director Approval Required. Additional fees apply. Shades of BlueStudent members of the CHS Show Choir will focus on choreographed performance of pop, jazz, and musical theatre literature. Shades of Blue is a growing, competitive ensemble that competes in multiple events each year. Auditions are held in the Spring of each year, and as needed in the fall semester for entering students.
Rehearsals and performances outside of class are REQUIRED. Director Approval Required. Additional fees apply. **Special Note: Auxiliary Ensembles are an extension of the regular choral curriculum intended for advanced students seeking further enrichment/enjoyment in the Centennial Choral Program. Concurrent enrollment in a primary ensemble in the Centennial Choir Program is required for membership in these auxiliary groups.
Varsity Tenor Bass ChoirThe Centennial HS Varsity Tenor-Bass Choir maintains a tradition of exemplary performance within our department. This ensemble is composed of tenor and bass singers in grades 9-12. Singers in this ensemble study a wide variety of choral repertoire and perform on all department concerts. Eligible members of this ensemble perform at UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest, Festival di Voce in April of each school year, and are strongly encouraged to participate in individual performance experiences including All-State and 9/10 Honor Choir auditions in the fall and Solo & Ensemble Contest in the spring. Additional rehearsals outside of the school day may be required of these students during preparation for major concerts, contests, and events throughout the school year.
Bel Canto Treble ChoirThis is an ensemble of treble voices in grades 9-12. Members of this ensemble perform a wide variety of choral repertoire and perform on all department concerts.
Eligible members of this ensemble perform at UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest, participate in a special choral festival in the spring, and are strongly encouraged to participate in individual performance experiences including All-State and 9/10 Honor Choir auditions in the fall and Solo & Ensemble Contest in the spring. |